On the Road in May

Well, I’m only 11 days late re-capping last month this time. That’s better than 16 days late, right?! One day I’ll get it done within the first three days of the month, I can feel it!!! But until then…here are the top five posts for the month of May here at The Road to Domestication! (In no particular order.)

1. Cleaning by Week, Month & Year with Free Printables – Did you see this one? If you’re one of the ones who keeps “meaning to do some Spring Cleaning…” THIS POST IS FOR YOU!


2. My #1 Trick to Staying Organized – I really hope this one helped some of you who are feeling unorganized, as you always tell me!


3. How to Slice a Pineapple – I was absolutely amazed at how many people didn’t know how to slice a pineapple! So glad this post was able to help out!


4. Pinterest Project Presented – We all love Pinterest, but sometimes the things I find there are a little bit…unrealistic. So I wanted to share something that WORKED beautifully!


5. New Project Tryouts: Progresso Recipe Starters – I was excited to be able to share a new product with everyone in this post! Have YOU tried Progresso Recipe Starters yet?


All in all, May was a great month! And I’m excited about the rest of June, too!

What was your favorite post out of the top 5?

64 thoughts on “On the Road in May

  1. The stain removal process was by far my favorite! I have yet to try it and am hoping I do not need it!-Hum-maybe it would work on coffee stains on a carpet?

  2. I have lots of favorites but was wishing you were with me over the weekend at the Grocery store!! Our local Stop n Shop offered 40cents/gal savings for purchasing 5 of the Progresso Recipe starters (I bought 15 packages), but.. I must have walked up and down those danged aisles 5 times before I finally found them in the ‘promo’ aisle. HAHA.. I was thinking.. ‘where’ did Kristen say they’d be??? Do I have her phone #?? can I text her??!! Oh, back to the review.. I haven’t cooked with them yet but bought 3 different flavors (yes, 5 of each) and will keep you posted for sure! (bonus: I earned $1.20/gal savings from those little packages!)

  3. The stain cleaning post is my favorite. I have a big heart pillow (Valentine’s Day gift from hubby years ago) that has a spot on it (from my 6yr old, I presume 😉 ). It’s microfiber and I think I’ll give that one a try!

  4. The cleaning post and free printable I’m just a sucker for those as lately I been trying to pull my apartment together to make it kid friendly while the kids are out of school for the summer my daughter had her last day yesterday and so far I manage to go to a rare genetic disorder meeting and that was all I got done.

  5. I grew up as a missionary kid in Africa and we had fresh pineapple every single day!!! They are my favorite fruit. =) I slice them a bit differently but along the same lines as your post. Hopefully that post will help people feel more brave and ready to buy a fresh pineapple! Much cheaper that way rather than buying the slices!! =)

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