A Lil’ Garden Update!

One of my big plans for our backyard is to have three (LARGE) raised beds full of vegetables! I’m working on introducing more and more veggies into every meal; sometimes even “hidden” in places my husband would not expect, ha! (Do you have to do that, too?!)

However, I’m still working a full-time job, running my own business on the side and doing this lil’ blog…so I don’t have all the time in the world to cultivate a huge garden right now. And I’m really good at overwhelming myself with too much to do! So I wanted to start VERY small – see what grows well in our yard and in our climate…and, let’s face it…see what I DON’T kill!

So, as of right now, I have three things growing. Yes, just three! But they’re all growing WELL, so that’s the idea, right?

1. Tomatoes – There are SO many of them – just clusters and clusters! I can’t wait to slice these up with some fresh mozzarella and a drizzle of balsamic vinegar!


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New Product Review: Dei Fratelli Tomato Products!

**PLEASE NOTE: While Dei Fratelli DID provide me with these products to review at no cost, I was not in any way paid for my review. The following opinion is hereby my own.**

Some time ago, a company I was unfamiliar with contacted me and asked me if I would like to review their products! Tomato products, they said. Sounded good to me – I enjoy cooking with tomatoes, so I agreed. Not long after, a lovely box appeared on my doorstep.


As you can see, these were no dinky winky sample sizes – these were the full she-bang! Quality right off the bat!

Before I worked with the products, I did a bit more research on them. I found out that Dei Fratelli’s offerings are premium, all natural and gluten free! Picked at the peak of freshness, nutrients are sealed in the canned tomatoes only hours after being taken from the farm. Dei Fratelli canned tomatoes, tomato products and sauerkraut are manufactured by Hirzel Canning Company & Farm, a fourth-generation, family-owned and operated company founded in 1923. Oh how I love a family-owned and operated company!

I decided to try the Italian-style chopped tomatoes in olive oil and herbs first. The color and consistency right out of the can? VERY impressive!


I mean, doesn’t that look amazing?!

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On the Road in May

Well, I’m only 11 days late re-capping last month this time. That’s better than 16 days late, right?! One day I’ll get it done within the first three days of the month, I can feel it!!! But until then…here are the top five posts for the month of May here at The Road to Domestication! (In no particular order.)

1. Cleaning by Week, Month & Year with Free Printables – Did you see this one? If you’re one of the ones who keeps “meaning to do some Spring Cleaning…” THIS POST IS FOR YOU!


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Happy Birthday to The Road to Domestication! (And a GIVEAWAY!)

Yes indeed, it is the birthday of my sweet little blog!


Three years ago today, I published the first post on this blog. I had no idea what I was doing. (Let’s face it – I still don’t! HA!) I didn’t know what would happen with it. All I knew was that I needed to have a creative writing outlet, and I hoped that would be what the blog would become. And it did! It became all that and more!

And you know what? I learned a few things along the way! (These things I’ve learned are mainly about blogging…but when I went back and looked at them, I realized they could apply to any part of life!)

1. Do what works for you

I came to the point when I realized that, unfortunately, I could not blog seven days a week. It just wasn’t happening. I mean, there are still only 24 hours in a day, right? Sometimes that seems like such a short period! So I had to modify things and do what worked best for me.

2. Blog about what you LOVE

I could easily get carried away on a variety of topics, but I make it a point to blog about things I love and nothing else. Kind of like I make it a point to only purchase clothing, or household decor, or anything else optional unless I LOVE it.

3. Create guidelines as you go

When you’re doing something new to you, there’s a lot of trial and error! So when you find something that works, and works well, make it standard practice!

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And over on Pinterest…

Pinterest has been keeping me very busy these days! And no, I’m not at all complaining! I try to pin for about 15 minutes each day, and of course, I pin things from blogging friends and from my blog, too! But I wonder if my technique is similar to anyone else’s? (In case you want to see for yourself, you can find me by CLICKING HERE!)

Here are my first 9 boards…

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