How to Store Excess Bedroom Items

So you’ve probably been a little focused on spring cleaning. You may have even gotten a bit of cleaning done over the long Easter weekend, eh?

A major part of spring cleaning is organizing…you know, so the clean STAYS clean! So when Ella from Moving Van contacted me and asked about a guest post on storage, I figured it was the perfect time to hear more! Here’s what she had to say:

While there are many different shapes and sizes of storage space, few are more economical and inclusive than a cubicle-type setup. So what does this mean exactly? Basically you will save money through using astorage space that is smaller yet contains lots of squares, or cubes. Any other shape is counterproductive as it won’t lend a way of sustaining neatness.

Storage - how to store excess bedroom items across compact cubicles2

Once you’ve designated the space, it’s then advisable to supply your own set of shelves. Specifically, these shelves should come in the form of compact cubicles without too much space in between them. These can be bought relatively cheap and locally at furniture stores.

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